Stages of the work process:
Obtaining the Town Planning Certificate
Any project always starts with obtaining an Urban Design Certificate. CUP is a document issued by the town hall without which it is not possible to develop, verify and approve the project documentation. An application is submitted to the town hall together with other documents (extract from the real estate register, identity card, notarized agreement, technical expertise report, project outline).
Site consultation and measurement
The survey of the land and the realization of the preliminary works are necessary for the technical project. All the necessary documentation is also provided such as: topographical and geotechnical study, network connection conditions, etc.
Project documentation
The execution project is the basis for carrying out the construction works and obtaining the authorization. At this stage, technical solutions, 3D, economic study, technical expertise, etc. are carried out. At the end of the work, we obtain all the necessary compartments with all the approvals and signatures for the building permit and craftsmen. At the same time, after the design you will get all the technical solutions (volume of materials, type of structure, finishing material, etc.
Obtaining the Construction Authorization and executing the works
The Construction Authorization is a document that allows the execution of construction works with the respect, verification and approval of the project documentation. Afterwards, construction works are started in compliance with the control schedule. After all the works have been completed, their reception and delivery is organized.
Stages of the work process:
Obtaining the Town Planning Certificate
Any project always starts with obtaining an Urban Design Certificate. CUP is a document issued by the town hall without which it is not possible to develop, verify and approve the project documentation. An application is submitted to the town hall together with other documents (extract from the real estate register, identity card, notarized agreement, technical expertise report, project outline).
Site consultation and measurement
The survey of the land and the realization of the preliminary works are necessary for the technical project. All the necessary documentation is also provided such as: topographical and geotechnical study, network connection conditions, etc.
Project documentation
The execution project is the basis for carrying out the construction works and obtaining the authorization. At this stage, technical solutions, 3D, economic study, technical expertise, etc. are carried out. At the end of the work, we obtain all the necessary compartments with all the approvals and signatures for the building permit and craftsmen. At the same time, after the design you will get all the technical solutions (volume of materials, type of structure, finishing material, etc.
Obtaining the Construction Authorization and executing the works
The Construction Authorization is a document that allows the execution of construction works with the respect, verification and approval of the project documentation. Afterwards, construction works are started in compliance with the control schedule. After all the works have been completed, their reception and delivery is organized.
Finished projects
Clienţii noștri

Ministerul Afacerilor Interne




SRL “Fidelit-com”

SRL “Stroy Lux”

Biscottini md

Agent Construct





Primăria Municipiului Cahul

Pentru compania noastră credibilitatea este un lucru fundamental de aceea ţinem cont mereu de părerile şi sugestiile clienţilor.
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Cel mai tare mi-a palcut la ei ca sunt atenti la detalii și ceea ce fac, fac cu bun gust.

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Я полностью доволен работой.

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Prea mult au durat lucările.

Singurii beneficiari ai străduinței și eforturilor nostre sunt clienții.

De multe ori părerea clienților semnalează lucruri și idei care ar putea deschide mai multe căi și perspective. Totuși ne străduim să depășim așteptările lor și să-i facem fericiți pentru serviciile oferite.